Assistant Director of International Admissions
Rebecca De Lacerda Hansen has been working with international students since January of 2010, joining Northern Kentucky University (NKU) in August of 2015. Though her recent focus at NKU has been in South Asia, her work has taken her to over 50 countries through the years. At NKU, Ms. Hansen is tasked both with bringing in new international students as well as ensuring they have the best experience possible during their studies. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged her and her colleagues to think outside the box when serving their international student population, and she looks forward to seeing how the many lessons learned will inform how her team at NKU transitions forward.
International students in their second or third year of college in the U.S. as the pandemic hit were in an especially difficult position - they had just gotten used to their new normal of U.S. college life, and were now having to navigate massive changes all over again. Through 36 hours of in-depth interviews with such students attending Northern Kentucky University, conducted with 6 students in the fall of 2020, we can glean information about how these students navigated both major changes, and learn how we might work with them in the future has we continue to find the best ways to serve future international students.