Ximena Aguinaga

Ximena Aguinaga

Academic Director and College Counselor

Educator with 28 years of experience in the field. Started as an English and Humanities teacher in private schools in Quito. Later became involved with international education through the implementation of the Advanced Placement program at one of the private schools in the city. Through AP, the pathway to college admission was open. 7 years of experience as a college counselor, working with students from different academic, economic and cultural backgrounds.

18:00 - 19:00

Recruiting in Ecuador - The Perspective of College Counselors in Ecuadorian Schools.

Ecuadorian students have traditionally applied to universities in the United States. During the last 6-8 years this trend has changed, and the number of students applying to other parts of the world has changed. There is a growing interest in Canada and Europe. It would be a great opportunity for university representantives to receive first hand information about the Ecuadorian education system, examinations, accreditation, etc. It will also be helpful to learn about the quito Counselor Network and how to reach our schools and students.