The GlobalED Gathering brought together counselors and university representatives from across the globe for an opportunity to network and connect with each other. Now that the 2-day event has concluded, you can continue to access the valuable content presented at the Gathering throughout the year. Hosted on connectED, the always-on, global education hub with live, interactive, and real-time engagement, this is where the international education community lives. See you at the next Gathering!
during this 2 day event - at a session or in the networking lounge
with high school counselors and university reps from around the world
in meaningful conversations, shared and learned valuable information, and built relationships
Are you a university recruitment and admissions officer? Have you ever considered what life might be on the 'other side of the fence'? In this interactive session, hear from two university guidance counsellors based in Hong Kong who have made the switch, both previously working in UK Higher Education and now working with diverse student populations in Hong Kong independent schools, providing guidance and support to students exploring their post-secondary and university options in an ever-changing landscape.
Covid-19 was a seismic event for international education, disrupting international-student mobility and forcing colleges to scramble to find ways to deliver education to students around the globe. But the pandemic hit as the field was already dealing with changes — in student interest, in parental expectations, and in university approaches. How will the shake-up of the last few years affect international education going forward? What are the challenges and opportunities? How might colleges innovate in overseas recruitment, student support, and educational programming? A longtime international-education journalist shares her perspective and reporting.
A look into how counselors can manage data, what can they do with it to help support students, and what happens to it when it gets on the university side.
In a student directed discussion, gain insights into the admissions experience for hard to reach international students in tier 2-3 city small schools without a dedicated college counselor. Hear directly from students about their questions, needs and experiences to better guide your recruiting strategies to find these hidden gems.
In this session, we will develop how innovative Gap year programs can help the young generation to have a different perspective on their life and how these type of programs are an answer to the challenges that students are facing today.
In Spring 2021, when our school was in prolonged lockdown, the fact that most extacurricular activities were cancelled, we were worried about students not being able to work on developing their interests and strenthening their resumes. So, our college counseling office stepped in to fill the gap for 8th, 9th and 10th graders by offering 5 innovative workshops on areas we felt that students would be interested in developing skills, such as leadership, diversity, entrepreneurship & inovation, communications & media. The presenter shares the opportunities and challenges of developing and executing these workshops.
The Networking Lounge will be open throughout the gathering
The Networking Lounge will be open throughout the gathering
International students in their second or third year of college in the U.S. as the pandemic hit were in an especially difficult position - they had just gotten used to their new normal of U.S. college life, and were now having to navigate massive changes all over again. Through 36 hours of in-depth interviews with such students attending Northern Kentucky University, conducted with 6 students in the fall of 2020, we can glean information about how these students navigated both major changes, and learn how we might work with them in the future has we continue to find the best ways to serve future international students.
The ability to transform will be the critical one for all educational institutions to cultivate, so they can shape and respond to a changing world of education. This session will discuss the future path of skilling right, with inter-disciplinary approaches to innovation for schools, universities and workplace. The key take aways for the attendees will be: 1. Strategies to cater to the disruptive world 2. Bridging the skill gaps with new ideas to recruitment strategies 3. Equipping the schools and universities representatives with the hybrid model of innovation centres
India came out with its New Education Policy after 34 long years. The policy envisions to re-imagine the Education sector in the country. This session will talk in detail about the proposed policy changes in the NEP 2020 and how will it impact the education sector in India.
For both regional or international universities, when it comes to admissions and student recruitment one can see admissions requirement relaxations, changes in policies, etc. However, when it comes to Diversity in International Education, are universities thriving or just surviving? How can we develop more diverse and inclusive universities to aid international education - an exploratory session and discussion.
This session would give an overview of the higher education landscape in the Netherlands, in addition to the application and admissions system overall. Updates on the effect of Brexit and Covid will be included.
In this session hosted by the University of Sussex and British Council, we will discuss how UK universities traditionally viewed European recruitment, to learn from our past and examine current sentiment from students amongst the challenges we face as a sector, and to introduce ideas of looking to the future
A look inside the application and scholarship review process in the absence of the SAT and an insight into the holistic review process. The presenter will dispel a few myths, talk about vital parts of the application, including transcripts, leaving exam/board scores (if/when available) AND the student's essay and counselor's recommendation.
Following feedback received by counsellors around the world and at previous conferences, this session, representatives from UK Medical and Vet programs will focus on detailed introduction and explanation of the Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) component of applying to many global Med, Vet & Dentistry programs. Along with hearing about the MMI from the university perspective, this interactive session will get colleagues to try out different interview stations. Audience interaction, and information shared by the panel, this session will give counsellors & University Reps (who advise on PG programmes) a better understanding of the MMI and what students experience. Overall, this session will give counsellors the tools to effectively explain the role of the MMI to their students and will allow them to help prepare their students for this very important (but often less understood) part of the med and vet application process."
Are your students uncertain about the future? The Diamond Challenge is an experience that provides high school students the clarity needed to identify passions and purpose. Since 2013, the program has engaged more than 20,000 students from 55 countries and 32 states. Students that compete in this world's top-rated high school entrepreneurship competition learn how to turn ideas into action, pitch, network with a global community, and demonstrate college readiness, free of charge. Best of all, students have the opportunity to win prizes from a $100,000 prize pool to fund ideas or higher education scholarships! In this session you'll meet the co-creator and manager of the competition who will share their insights on student success and stories of inspiration.
Interaction on building a budget, identifying sources of funding, reducing educational cost and identifying affordable universities and community colleges as cost reducing options.
A quick guide on what to expect when guiding students interested in applying to universities in the UK, from creating a UCAS account to receiving unconditional offers.
This presentation will give an overview of financial aid and scholarships in the US, covering affordability, different types of scholarships, financial need-based awards, need-blind vs. need aware, I-20 costs, and some general advice for students and families as they go through the US college search process.
A New Education Landscape: 2021 & Beyond will mean more focus on developing career oriented and employability skills for our students. Both new students and the students already recruited by us. Any international and/ OR local university will agree that the classroom & work environments have both changed completely. The focus today is developing proactive and resilient individuals who are constantly working on their employability skills.
Ecuadorian students have traditionally applied to universities in the United States. During the last 6-8 years this trend has changed, and the number of students applying to other parts of the world has changed. There is a growing interest in Canada and Europe. It would be a great opportunity for university representantives to receive first hand information about the Ecuadorian education system, examinations, accreditation, etc. It will also be helpful to learn about the quito Counselor Network and how to reach our schools and students.
We know that global student talent is plentiful. We also know that many universities offer robust merit awards and a rich array of academic opportunities like experiential learning, faculty mentoring, and leadership opportunities that can nurture and help launch talented students to incredible heights. How do the two find each other? This session will explore strategies for closing access gaps and matching talented students with 'springboard' educational opportunities. Both high school counselors and university reps will find valuable takeaways in this session.
Given the unstable international education landscape there has never been a greater need to have tools to support students whose circumstances may change overnight. This session will discuss resources to provide some security and or confidence to students looking to study abroad during uncertain times.
How do you help prepare students for their experience at a U.S. college/university? The presenters will highlight programs and services that are available to university students, especially international students, to help them have a successful collegiate experience
The Networking Lounge will be open throughout the gathering
The GlobalED Gathering was led by these passionate professionals who are committed to enhancing access to professional development opportunities for ALL.
St. Andrew's School, Kenya
Royal Veterinary College, UK
Creighton University, USA
Manthan International School, India
St.Paul's School, Brazil
Vancouver, CA
Whitworth University, USA
Taipei European School, Taiwan
Founder & CEO, Gen Next Education